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Wednesday 17 October 2012

New toy!

I have a new toy! Well, it's a new phone actually and it gives me access to the wonderful world of apps...
Sooooo - i was looking at the apps that I might like to have a play with and came across a 'personal trainer' app. Excellent! I'll have some of that!
Suitably downloaded, I wanted to try it out so I went for a bike ride this morning. The 'trainer' talks to me every 5 minutes to let me know how far I've been and what my average speed is - I must admit that I was a little surprised to discover that my backpack was talking to me to begin with!
I knew the bike ride would be a bit wet and skiddy as it had rained last night and there are a couple of hills on the route. But I wasn't prepared for the mud that the local farmers had carried from their fields onto the road. Oh my goodness - I have never seen so much mud - and it was everywhere so I couldn't avoid it even if I wanted to LOL!
I was only out for half an hour but you should have seen me when I got home - I was literally covered from head to foot! I had mud caked in my hair, I had a squirrel tail of mud that had seeped through my trackies, I had mud up my neck and all over my face; mud all over my arms...

Thank goodness I had worn dark clothing otherwise I might have had to bin it straight away!

At least I'm hoping it was just mud!
I think what surprised me the most was the way I reacted to the mud - I just had huge fun with it. And it didn't bother me that people were looking at me as I cycled past - in fact I drew attention to myself by saying hello to a couple of them. A far cry from my pre-food days.
Can't wait to try out my new toy again!
Righto - off to hose down my bike!