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Thursday 30 June 2011


I've been feeling as though I have a foot in two worlds - the world that I know and that is 'comfortable' and the world of possibilities, uncertainty and hope. 

I have been contemplating making the leap (ok, slow amble) over to the second world for a while now.  What's stopping me?  Well, that would be me LOL!  Where I am is 'certain' - I know how to live this life but I want more and the hope and possiblities keep beckoning me. 

One of the reasons I am where I am is down to money but I had an insight this morning while bumbling about in my purse for some change to pay for a drink for myself and my daughter.  These insights always seem to pop up when least expected! 

Anyway, it occurred to me that every one of us is blessed with a specialness that only we possess and that our gifts and talents are there to support us.  Duh!!  Why had I not thought of that before? 

So I may just think a bit more seriously about sewing - anyone need any curtains altering or a dress made? <grin>